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Veracity (The Seven Cities, #1)

Veracity (The Seven Cities, #1) - Lindsey Stell I received a copy from the author personally in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Veracity is a futuristic, dystopian sci-fi novel and one that is very interesting to read. The story follows a woman named Katherine, who we're told prefers to be addressed as Kat, as she not only journeys in a direction she's told to go by a strange who has wiped her memories out because it's dangerous to know much about him, but also tries to acclimate herself back into the society she basically grew up in before she was taken away. While the worldbuilding is done well in some places and scattered throughout the book there were some parts that felt a bit sloppy due to minor errors that made a sort of big impact on the entire story as a whole, the biggest found when she talks to an elder man named Max who tells her about the Cleanse and says it happened six generations ago, although I'm still not sure whether he meant for himself or for Kat. The reasons behind me finding this an error can be found in my full review below. The characters stayed rather in character with their actions along the book except at the end. Also, the brother, who I wish I had a chance to form an opinion of in the book, was interesting in what little we see him in the book. Overall it was a very good book and well worth the read. Also, the meanings behind the city names we learn that I remember, Axiom and Veracity, were very interesting to learning and knowing those words reveals a small increment about how the cities run that I found a rather enjoyable tie-in to the book.

You can read my full review of the book here

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray review

A Great and Terrible Beauty - Libba Bray

A Great and Terrible Beauty
Libba Bray
Released: 9th December, 2003

Book Summary:

A Victorian boarding school story, a Gothic mansion mystery, a gossipy romp about a clique of girlfriends, and a dark other-worldly fantasy--jumble them all together and you have this complicated and unusual first novel.


Sixteen-year-old Gemma has had an unconventional upbringing in India, until the day she foresees her mother's death in a black, swirling vision that turns out to be true. Sent back to England, she is enrolled at Spence, a girls' academy with a mysterious burned-out East Wing. There Gemma is snubbed by powerful Felicity, beautiful Pippa, and even her own dumpy roommate Ann, until she blackmails herself and Ann into the treacherous clique. Gemma is distressed to find that she has been followed from India by Kartik, a beautiful young man who warns her to fight off the visions. Nevertheless, they continue, and one night she is led by a child-spirit to find a diary that reveals the secrets of a mystical Order. The clique soon finds a way to accompany Gemma to the other-world realms of her visions "for a bit of fun" and to taste the power they will never have as Victorian wives, but they discover that the delights of the realms are overwhelmed by a menace they cannot control. Gemma is left with the knowledge that her role as the link between worlds leaves her with a mission to seek out the "others" and rebuild the Order. A Great and Terrible Beauty is an impressive first book in what should prove to be a fascinating trilogy.

What I like: The characters were all very well done, and the imagery provided by the details in the book were vivid to me. Pippa is a seemingly vain girl, yet we learn underneath her beauty she doesn't want to be married off to someone she doesn't love just so she has a good social standing. Ann wants nothing more than to be beautiful and loved and to find a good husband, not become the governess of her cousins just because they got her into Spence. Felicity wants to break away from the social constructs that she's been raised in and seeks to defy her mother while yearning for her father to visit her. And Gemma is conflicted through most of the story because she just wants her mother back, and doubts her own abilities with her new found powers.


What I didn’t like: Sometimes the descriptions, while lovely, seemed rather unnecessary to me, and had I not realized the nature of the "friendship" the girls had, I would have said it was unrealistic since Felicity and her group of friends not only mocked Gemma when she arrived, but bullied Ann around as well solely because of her social standing and the fact Ann was there not because she had the money but on a scholarship provided by her cousins! Other than this, there wasn't much that was notable that I was miffed about with the book.


Overall review: A Great and Terrible Beauty is a wonderful story set in Victorian England. We get the elements of what we perceive to be true of what we know about society back in that age and Bray's lovely writing gives you pictures of what the world she has dropped Gemma into. With genuine doubts that would be normal of a girl in her standings at her age, she feels like a real person and someone who is very relatable in a sense. She endures many hardships in the first book, even doubting her own abilities. There's a lot of growth involved in her character in this book alone. I have no doubt that the next book will be just as enjoyable to read.


Recommend?: Yes indeed! It was a very lovely book and a very enjoyable read!

Goodreads: 3.8/5   Amazon: 4.2/5   Barnes&Nobles: 4.5/5   BookDepository: —/5


My Rating: 4.8/5


Rated Material:

Altaica by Tracy M. Joyace review

Altaica (The Chronicles of Altaica Book 1) - Tracy M. Joyce

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from the publisher via NetGalley


Tracy M. Joyace
Released: 6th June, 2014

Book Summary:

“Look at her – she’s Hill Clan. Even the Matyrani don’t like them …”

Isaura – little is known about her race, but much is whispered. Born to refugees, she grows up enduring racism and superstition within a community that fears her. She has few friends, and those she treasures. Trapped, she longs for escape to a different life.

Escape is only the beginning of her troubles. Having fled an invading army with her friends, Isaura is faced with heinous choices in order to survive. Secrets from her past emerge to torment her and threaten to destroy all she holds dear. Her struggles forge a bond with an ancient power – a power which may transform or consume her. Old hatreds and superstitions are renewed and at her most vulnerable she learns the true nature of those around her.

Her only hope lies in a foreign land – a land rich in tradition; ruled by three powerful clans. A land with a history marked by warfare; where magic as we know it does not exist. Instead what is here, in abundance, is a more primal power.

Survival carries a high price.

Welcome to Altaica.


What I like: I really enjoyed the idea of this book from the summary. Plus the cover was really pretty and covers are one of the things that drag me in to look at a book. I really liked how the fact that Isaura is different and not really accepted as a part of the village even though they are the people she grew up with all because of her being one of the "Hill Clan" people. I liked that we get to see the different points of views from different people in the book, and we find out more about what certain people really think when their perspective is used. I like how the mystical elements that were added in were done in a way that made them make sense, and how they used herbs and such for healings. The journey and how the people were affected by it also made a lot of sense to me, and I felt it was portrayed rather realistically. The worldbuilding for the story was rather strong, and the tid bits of information we learned about Altaica scattered through the story were well placed, nothing being told before it was necessary or in extent that would make it boring. There were always fresh reminders, little things, about certain things in the book when they were necessary. Each of the characters in the cast has a personality and we get glimpses of that throughout the story.


What I didn’t like: The abrupt change in point of views originally was unsettling, but as mentioned above it was a good thing to add in as the book went on. We also didn't really learn much about these Hill Clan people, and I was disappointed about that. They were mentioned very briefly and then I didn't really get a sense as to why they weren't liked by the villagers. There was also a lack of history about Altaica and the three clans besides small pieces here and there that really didn't give one much of a foundation for it to sink in about the land. Sometimes the motives of a character, especially the "villainous" ones, were obscure and I didn't really get them.


Overall review: Altaica was a very well thought out book, and did some rather good world building. Despite its shortcomings I feel like it is a very worthwhile read and has plenty of potential for the future. With the way it ends, the second book may not start like this one did but with something entirely different but it will more than likely drag you in from page one. I also feel like the characters will continue to grow in the second book, hopefully more so than in this one.


Recommend?: I definitely would! It's a very well done fantasy book. The second book Asena Blessed comes out in 2015, and I'll definitely be trying to get my hands on it to read!

Goodreads: 3.9/5 Amazon: 4.1/5


The paperback version of the book will be available the 3rd of August, 2014 you can preorder it here


My Rating: 4.8/5


Rated Material:

Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition #1: Zombie Halloween by R. L. Stine review

Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition #1: Zombie Halloween - R.L. Stine

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from the publisher via NetGalley


Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition #1: Zombie Halloween

R. L. Stine
Released: 24th June, 2024

Book Summary:

The infamous, Most Wanted Goosebumps characters are out on the loose and after you. Just in time for Halloween, a super special edition!

Kenny Manzetti was the new kid in town. His family moved back in to an old house to help take care of his grandfather. Everyone in his new neighborhood is obsessed with zombies--even Grandpa Mo. But then a new family moves in next door and there choice in furniture is...interesting.

Kenny is convinced that there is something strange about the new neighbors but his parents won't listen to him. So Kenny and his friends go in for a closer look. A bad idea on any day but definitely the wrong choice around Halloween. Will Kenny survive long enough to go trick or treating?

With an extended page count this special edition is a scream!

What I like: The idea for the book was something I was excited about, I was always a fan of the Goosebumps books ever since I picked up my first one, The Werewolf of Fever Swamp almost eight years ago. Time and time again R. L . Stine make me fear the dark with his stories.


What I didn’t like: Maybe it has to do with how I got a horribly uncorrected proof of the book, but I didn't like it at all. The characters weren't really working for me, the sentences and dialogues were choppy and unrealistic at times, and everything was predictable. By part two of the book, I was bored stiff with the book and forced myself to finish it just to see if it ever got better. The ending was also done horribly, and too unrealistic to believe that it was the actual end. I was horribly disappointed in this book.


Overall review: I hated this book, there was really no point in finishing something I was so angry with. With so much choppy structure and everything so bland and predictable and the characters acting like you KNOW they are going to, it was just something I ended up really not enjoying.


Recommend?: No. Not to anyone. I will try to obtain a corrected and published proof and will follow up on this review if it's any better.

Goodreads: 3.8/5 Amazon: 5/5 Barnes&Nobles: 5/5 BookDepository: —/5


My Rating: 2.1/5


Rated Material:


DESCENDANT OF DESTINY - Marion Hill I received this book from a giveaway done by the author and was asked to give it a review once I had finished it.

The Descendant of Destiny is the debut novel of Marion Hill in the United Kammbia Series. While listed as a fantasy book, The Descendant of the Destiny is not like your typical fantasy book. There are no dragons or mythical creatures that I read about, I don't remember magic even really being a thing in the story, yet the element that puts it as one is a "chosen one" prophecy. I actually thought that part was done well, but it was a tad predictable when you first learn about it, yet the way it was carried out was different. A book known as The Book of Kammbia is the book that tells about the prophecy that our protagonist, known as Diondray Azur, and teaches him that everything he has been taught growing up was apparently not as it seems. There is terminology in the book that is unfamiliar but quite obviously meant to parallel things from our world. One of the things that sticks out is the religion, and to me I felt that The Book of Kammbia is meant to parallel The Bible and many of the pieces do seem to match up with it but there are also clearly several other things that went into making the religion of the people in his world. One of the problems I had with the novel was that, despite its length of 104 pages, there was too much crammed into it and not enough we get to learn about the characters. I felt it could have been better if it had been longer and we had had more time with the story. But overall, it was clearly well plotted and for a debut book, its actually not that bad. I look forward to potentially reading the second book in this series, which the author has said will most likely published in the later part of Spring 2015.

Glory: The Complete Saga Hc

Glory: The Complete Saga Hc - Joe Keatinge, Ross Campbell I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

I expected a lot more with this book, but it didn't really deliver to me. The art style was a little off and sometimes the poses just didn't look right to me. It was very strange. It also seemed inconsistent throughout the story, and the storyline didn't seem to make that much sense to me either. Honestly if the main character, Glory, was to bring about peace between two warring races then wouldn't they have been more concerned about getting her back? A fair bit of the dialogue was also rather stiff, and didn't seem to flow right. And there's problems with the French that appears, I even asked my French teacher because I don't speak French and they said that several parts were wrong and proceeded to tell me the correct way for it to be. It was like the person who wrote the dialogue either knew really basic French and looked up a bunch of words and didn't even have anyone check it for accuracy, or wrote English dialogue and put it in an online translator. Then there's Riley, who can see Glory in her dreams? That was really strange and I found it a rather boring way to do that because it's overused in my opinion. There really isn't much I liked other than the idea of what the story could be before I read it, it really ended up not being my taste in graphic novels.

Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice Softcover

Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice Softcover - Jane Austen I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

This manga adaption for Pride and Prejudice is a very lovely adaption of Jane Austen's well known classic. With a very lovely art style I found it very entertaining to read, something light to read through and enjoy. The art style worked very well with the characters and everyone turned out very lovely in it, all the characters essence were very well entrenched in the way they were drawn. The background art was very lovely as well, and the little details with the art made it even better. There are many time skips due to how much they had to put into the manga, but all of the more important scenes focusing on what bring the novel together are included, though some of the scenes from the book that I enjoyed are missing. It's a good read for any fan of the novel version, or someone who wants to understand the story without having to read the original book.

You can read my full review of the book here

Blood Red Road (Dust Lands, #1)

Blood Red Road (Dust Lands, #1) - Moira Young Blood Red Road is a dystopian novel about a girl named Saba who is trying to rescue her brother Lugh after he is kidnapped and her father murdered. While it is an interesting story, with a very good first half of a book, the second half does lag a bit especially towards the end which wasn't all that good, wrapping it all up too neatly and allowing me to be satisfied with it without wanting to pick up the second book. A drawback in a bad way, but it does make it a good standalone. While I didn't like all the characters in the book, I found that I was very fond of Emmi, Saba's little sister. Sure they don't get along, but it makes a nice arc for those two in the story. Despite some flaws to the book, the book was a very interesting read and I'm certain that I will reread it in the future.

You can read my full review of this novel here

One is Enough

One is Enough - Love, Julianne Neville I received this book in exchange for an honest review

A cute little romance story that deals with some common teen problems. I found that the story, while short, was good, and that everything was done okay in most places. The characters were distinct in some places with their voices and the way they spoke, but usually they seemed really similar and didn't have a distinctive voice. I really enjoyed the art style though, even if it was bit erratic, I found it really nice. I liked the plot because it did deal with some of the issues that many teens go through, though I wish it could have been more spread out over a longer time, it would have been nice to see more possibilities for the overall story. I however did not enjoy most of the characters since they seemed so two dimensional. This could have been helped if there were multiple volumes. Also, I found the main character we usually follow to be pretty whiny at times while the other one seemed pretty rude.

You can read my full review of this book here

Altaica (The Chronicles of Altaica, #1)

Altaica (The Chronicles of Altaica, #1) - Tracy M. Joyce I received this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

Altaica it the first book in the Chronicles of Altaica series and sets up the story that's to be told. The book starts off at a rather quick pace, pulling you in to the story where we learn about an invading army and a group of villagers desperate to escape from them, but then the story hits a lull, nothing really happens after they escape and it's languid pace was a bit off setting. The story pace picks up again once we switch to a new set of characters on the continent of Altaica. Here we learn quickly about three clans, Boar Horse and Bear, and learn a little about a group of people known as Kenati. We learn that there was a war not long ago and that the people of Boar clan are bitter about the loss they suffered in it. As the story progresses we meet more character, a few forgettable who are seemingly not a big part of the story but others we learn they are. The rest of the story is quick paced, and there are many thing that set up the potential for the second book, set to release next year. Overall, Altaica is an enjoyable read and the characters we see a lot of we begin to become fond of, save a few who cause problems among both groups, stirring up trouble and distension within both.

My full review of the book can be read here

Manga Classics: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo adapted by SunNeko Lee review

Manga Classics: Les Miserables Softcover - Victor Hugo

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from the publisher via NetGalley


Manga Classics: Les Miserables
Victor Hugo adapted by SunNeko Lee
Released: 12th August, 2014

Book Summary:

Adapted for stage and screen, loved by millions, Victor Hugo's classic novel of love and tragedy during the French Revolution is reborn in this manga edition!

What I like: The art style was very nice, consistent, and I didn't catch any big inconsistencies in the art work. The characters all looked lovely and they didn't single out the characters who we would call "bad guys" and make them look any different like what I've seen many do. That consistency was something I was really pleased about.


What I didn’t like: I didn't like how they did Japanese manga style for the layout of the book, especially since many readers have never read manga before and I'm sure the idea is to lure in more readers to learn about Hugo's classic. I also was a little unhappy with how much of the story had to be cut to fit inside the book, I feel it would have been better if they had the option to make multiple books to portray the whole story as this manga only scratches what feels like the surface of the story.


Overall review: This manga style version of Les Miserables, while definitely lacking and not perfect in a few places, is definitely a good quick read for people. The art style is pleasant, and many of the points needed to understand the story presented are done well. I do believe that many pieces of the original story that weren't present should have been in there to give more understanding to the classic novel.


Recommend?: If you want a quick overview of the classic by Victor Hugo, or are a fan of manga style books, then this is for you. Lovers of the classic will probably enjoy it, more so to see the characters we love.

Goodreads: 3.7/5     Amazon: —/5     Barnes&Nobles: —/5


My Rating: 4.3/5


Rated Material:

Linked by Imogen Howson

Linked - Imogen Howson

Imogen Howson
Released: 11th June, 2013

Book Summary:

Elissa used to have it all: looks, popularity, and a bright future. But for the last three years, she’s been struggling with terrifying visions, phantom pains, and mysterious bruises that appear out of nowhere.

Finally, she’s promised a cure: minor surgery to burn out the overactive area of her brain. But on the eve of the procedure, she discovers the shocking truth behind her hallucinations: she’s been seeing the world through another girl’s eyes.

Elissa follows her visions, and finds a battered, broken girl on the run. A girl—Lin—who looks exactly like Elissa, down to the matching bruises. The twin sister she never knew existed.

Now, Elissa and Lin are on the run from a government who will stop at nothing to reclaim Lin and protect the dangerous secrets she could expose—secrets that would shake the very foundation of their world.

Riveting, thought-provoking and utterly compelling, Linked will make you question what it really means to be human.


What I like: Elissa was a very ordinary, if spoiled, girl from what we gather from before her hallucinations started to gather force. At the same time, she's different from that and we known she's fallen out from everyone because of something she doesn't understand and people have witnessed the side affects and not understood what was happening to her, so they shunned her, mocked her, and left her feeling out of what she wanted to be, ordinary. Lin is a clearly emotionally unstable and ignorant about how the world works, not to mention she seems to only seek the acceptance of Elissa, the one person she believes will help her despite being categorized as a "nonhuman". All the terms and technology we're introduced to gets explained in some form or fashion that makes it comprehensible to understand, which I really liked and the technology was actually believable.


What I didn’t like: On a personal opinion I didn't like Elissa and Lin's mother, especially the last time we see her. I thought what she did was incredibly revolting to do, especially trying to take her daughter's free will away over a procedure. I also felt like the romance was unnecessary, and it didn't really fit in to the plot very well.


Overall review: Going in to this book I didn't expect to enjoy it so much, I barely read the beginning of the summary since it was the cover that drew me in. I was hooked by the opening, I had to know why Elissa was at a doctors office, and I had to know what she seemed so afraid of. As the book progressed the fears did change, and a few new ones were added while some of them were resolved by the end of the book. The worldbuilding was done in drops, letting us know bits about the world Elissa grew up on and the galaxy she knew. It wasn't dumped onto us and we didn't learn everything about the galaxy or the planet she grew up on. We learned things when they became relevant to the plot, or are a good time to mention. The idea surrounding the book, giving twins of the far future a strange link and interesting powers, was something that I felt was different. It's a very good book, very well thought out and written.


Recommend?: Yes! I loved it so much! YA readers who enjoy Sci-Fi, and good worldbuilding should definitely read this one, but I make no promises about the sequel since I haven't read it yet!

Goodreads: 3.7/5    Amazon: 3.9/5    Barnes&Nobles: 4/5


My Rating: 4.8/5


Rated Material:

Fire of the Dragon by Lori Dillon review

Fire of the Dragon - Lori Dillon

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.


Fire of the Dragon
Lori Dillon
Released: 21st April, 2013

Book Summary:

Being sent back in time to the Middle Ages wouldn't be so bad if the knight in shining armor who comes to your rescue didn't swoop down in the form of a fire-breathing dragon. Unfortunately for Jill Donahue, that's just the way things have been going in her life lately.

A Maiden

Wrenched back in time through the magical power of an old dragon tapestry found in a vintage clothing store, Jill Donahue lands in an ancient medieval town where the villagers decide to sacrifice her to the local dragon. As if the threat of being eaten alive by a giant flying lizard isn't bad enough, she learns there’s a curse surrounding the tapestry and she has to break it in order to get back to her time. But she isn't the only one whose fate is tied to the ancient weaving...

A Dragon

Baelin of Gosforth is a valiant knight who has been cursed by a vindictive witch to live as a dragon for eleven months out of each year. Now he has thirty days to break the curse or he turns back into a fire-breathing beast and, as much as he hates to admit it, he needs Jill's help to do it.

And A Curse

Forced to face many challenges along the way—from the harsh world they travel through to the fiery passion they both try to deny—each is determined to break the curse so the other can get their happily-ever-after. And it just might work, if Jill can manage to overlook the fire-breathing, bat-winged remnants of Baelin's dragon half long enough to see the man beneath the beast and get the job done.


What I like: The characters were believable, and they had personalities to fit who they were and where they were from in regards to time periods. Baelin, though human for almost the entirety of the book, have several pieces of his personality reflect what we associate with dragons, greed and possessiveness. It was a wonderful thing to see. Kendale and Owen, though a bit iffy as character when they originally appear, I came to love them as well! The fear that people in the 1200's and the way they talked was done very well, it was believable, and that's what sold me to it.


What I didn’t like: There wasn't much that I didn't, and what I didn't I can't exactly pin down. There were very few flaws, but one of them was large enough to be that I was bothered by it for several pages. Sometimes the imagery felt lacking, but it was never overdone.


Overall review: I really enjoyed reading Fire of the Dragon and everything that was involved. The characters were rounded and individuals, the setting was well thought out and the people responded as people of the time would be expected to, with plenty of fear of the unknown. Although initially I thought the ending would be a bitter disappointment, the ending was actually very satisfactory and I loved it. I eagerly await the next book, Treasure of the Gryphon to see what Lori Dillon can do next.


Recommend?: Yes, though I'm not sure who exactly to! Certainly lovers of medieval tales, and perhaps romance since that's there as well?

Goodreads: 4.1/5 Amazon: 4.6/5 Barnes&Nobles: 4.2/5 BookDepository: —/5


My Rating: 4.6/5


Rated Material:

Currently reading Altaica by Tracy M. Joyce for a review, as I received the book in exchange for an honest review.

The Prediction by Darren Sugrue

The Prediction - Darren Sugrue

I received this book from a giveaway by the author and was asked to give it a review once I finished it.


The Prediction
Darren Sugrue
Released: 1st June, 2013

Book Summary:

Nobody knows the day they’ll die... until now.

Mathematical genius Daniel Geller has developed a formula to predict a person’s date of death, only to have it rejected by the faculty at Trinity College. Totally devastated, he turns his back on the world he once loved.

Twelve years on, Daniel’s old professor John Redmond and his wife are coming to terms with the death of their ten-year-old son. Could Daniel's formula have predicated his death? Revisiting the thesis, the professor makes an astonishing discovery: out of the five fellow students whom Daniel used the formula on, one of them died on the exact date predicted by Daniel.

One more is due to die in six days: Daniel’s ex-lover Grace.

The professor draws Daniel back into the world of mathematics where he is suddenly faced with the dilemma of allowing someone he once loved to die to be one step closer to proving his thesis and enjoying a prestige he once dreamed of…

Set in the vibrant cities of Dublin and Amsterdam, The Prediction is a powerful story about coping with shattered dreams, the loss of a loved one, and an illustration of just how unpredictable the human heart can be.


What I like: The idea of the story was something I've thought about before, something that really truly intrigued me and I was not disappointed. Each character held their own and had their own distinct personalities, I didn't have to remember who was speaking because the dialogue gave me good indication with how they spoke. The cover also has a perfect tie-in to the whole story, something that pleased me when I finished the book. The interactions never seemed forced, and the tension in the book was something I could feel and it was a page turner that kept me reading. The few secrets in the book and one unexpected reveal of a past occurrence were handled very well. The book was anything but predictable at times, especially with the plot twist it has.


What I didn’t like: There was a lot of Character POV jumping in the book, but after several chapters I did get the hang of it but it was initially a bit of a challenge to keep up with. Rik, he also came off a bit strange at first especially when he seemed so willing to just let Grace move in, even despite her situation. It struck me as, well it struck me a bit odd especially when it's clear in the beginning that Grace doesn't really know him, though they are coworkers so there is some leniency there, but I was able to look past that and get the idea that perhaps Rik had liked Grace for a while and that maybe he was just really concerned for her.


Overall review: Daniel strikes me as a very intelligent man, maybe not so much in the beginning when he's introduced but once you learn of the thesis he made twelve years prior that was rejected and that it predicted the exact day of death for someone you get the idea that he is incredibly intelligent. Grace seems to be a woman who is both a hard worker and perhaps a bit stuck in the past on occasion, but this actually adds a bit of character to her, letting you know that she's still stuck somewhat in her past even though it's been twelve years since Daniel left her. Rik, although at times a character I didn't understand with the way he was, was definitely someone I came to enjoy in the book. Claire and John both had a rather good bit of character development during the second half of the book, something I was glad to see especially with their situation and I was happy with the both of them. When I first thought I had almost reached the end I was sad, and when I found the plot twist I was astounded and frankly couldn't believe my eyes when I read it. I really enjoyed this book much MUCH more than I had expected to when I first got it.


Recommend?: A definite recommendation, especially for those who enjoy something that is both realistic and has an interest in the idea of knowing the day we, or someone we know and love, will die. But really, I recommend to everyone because I ended up loving it.

Goodreads: 4.5/5 Amazon: 4.7/5 Barnes&Nobles: 4/5


My Rating: 4.8/5


Rated Material:


This review is also posted on my Tumblr and on Goodreads

Wonderland: Asylum by Raven Gregory and Patrick Shand review

Wonderland: Asylum - Raven Gregory, Patrick Shand

Let it be known that I received an ARC copy of Wonderland: Asylum in exchange for a fair and honest review.


Wonderland: Asylum
Raven Gregory and Patrick Shand
Released: 1st June, 2014

Book Summary:

Exiled in the realm of Wonderland, the legacy of the Mad Hatter claimed Johnny Liddle's soul creating one of the greatest villains the world has ever known. But the true horror of what Wonderland is has never been revealed - until now! They thought the realm of madness was trapped in Wonderland. They were wrong!

What I like: Asylum has plenty of humor that is easy to see and isn't always that dark, despite being more of a dark graphic novel. The art style works for this graphic novel, and there's plenty of expression and position changing to show the variety and give an impression at how the character feels.


What I didn’t like: There were inconsistencies with Violet's outfit, some pieces were left off one panel when they're there in the previous or next panel and it was a bit disappointing that that managed to slip by when it was being published. Some pieces were also drawn larger in a far away scope of Violet but close up they were shrunk in size and didn't seem to fit the same. The inconsistencies in the graphic novel were disappointing.


Overall review: Wonderland: Asylum is a good continuation of the Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland graphic novels, and an enjoyable read. I haven't read all of the other Wonderland books yet but with a bit of introduction in the beginning of it about what's happened made it quick enough for me to understand what I have yet to read and enjoy it. While I felt at time the dialogue that didn't exactly flow right and the art errors I saw I did like it. The cover was done very well, I enjoyed the characters, and the idea was great to me.


Recommend?: For those that have read the rest of the Wonderland books, I would suggest them to read this as it could be a bit unsettling for a newcomer to jump into the series with this one, which takes place after Wonderland #19

Goodreads: 2.8/5   Amazon: 4/5   Barnes&Nobles: -/5   BookDepository: -/5


My Rating: 4.4/5


Rated Material:


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